
Subject to Change

You may filter by your functional/cohort area and all sessions are open to everyone, unless otherwise noted.

  • Finance
  • Human Resources
  • IT/Database
  • Financial Resource Development
  • Planning & Impact
  • Chief Executive Officers/Executive Directors
  • Community Relations
  • Israel & Overseas
  • Marketing & Communications
  • Community & Jewish Life
  • Chief Operating Officers
8:30am - 1:30pm CDT

SAC Meeting Room: PDR 4

9:00am - 6:30pm CDT

Registration & Help Desk Open Room: Grand Ballroom Foyer

For those arriving early, join us on a fun field trip to “I’ll Have What She’s Having: The Jewish Deli,” the highly-publicized exhibit at the Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center in Skokie. The exhibit kicked off in LA last year, before traveling to New York, Houston, and now Chicago—the final stop on the tour. Ted Merwin, JFNA’s Senior Writer and award-winning historian of the deli, will take us through the exhibit; he was the principal academic consultant on the New York run. 

The group will assemble in the hotel lobby at 9:15am and coordinate sharing Ubers. Transportation costs will be split among trip participants.

This extension is exclusively for new CEOs who assumed their roles in 2022 or 2023. This gathering will provide space for new CEOs to address challenges and opportunities, develop their network and build pathways for success through their onboarding process. Available by invitation only.

The Finance professionals will meet for a welcome session before breaking out into their city-size groups for a discussion on issues facing the finance staff.

Federation professionals understand the power of storytelling to raise awareness and money in our communities.  This session will take a deep dive into the narrative of Jewish poverty as portrayed in Hollywood and media side by side with the most recent data on poverty and financial insecurity in the Jewish community. We will work together to develop a blueprint for you to continue the essential work of creating a compelling and accurate narrative of poverty with colleagues and leadership when you return home.

Calling all community relations professionals to join us at this pre-conference gathering to set intentions and goals for the week ahead and to have a moment to gather and connect before the conference formally begins. The dramatic rise of antisemitism and the impacts of the ongoing war in Israel requires the Jewish Federations system to be even more effective in work that has always been a core function: community organizing and advocacy. Throughout FedPro, community relations and advocacy professionals will engage with experts across various sectors to gain new knowledge, learn tangible skills, and develop action plans to bring back to their local Federations.


Throughout three compelling plenary sessions, we will shine a spotlight on distinguished Federation speakers, each addressing vital leadership qualities crucial in today's ever-changing VUCA landscape (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous).

At this plenary, Israel will be front and center. We will share different aspects of how our community is addressing the war in Israel and hear from professionals about their own personal and professional connections to Israel. Eric Fingerhut, President and CEO of the Jewish Federations of North America, will share his insights on the Federation's transformative power, especially in this moment of great mobilization. We will end the session hearing from the legendary Israeli singer-songwriter David Broza who will perform a couple of songs as a prelude to his special concert on Monday evening.

3:30pm - 4:00pm CDT

Networking Break Room: Continental Foyer, Normandie Lounge, 3rd Floor Hallway, Conference Room 4C

3:30pm - 10:00pm CDT

Nursing Lounge Room: Continental South Office

There will be a designated space throughout the conference where attendees may visit for support with your Federation’s response efforts to the war in Israel. JFNA staff in the areas of advocacy, marketing, social media, fundraising, and more will be available in this space to answer questions, provide relevant resources, and assist you with your on-going plans.  There will also be outlets, chargers, and other tools for professionals who need to take care of critical work at this time.

Staffed by: Jessica Lazar Bates, Alisa Bodner, Max Harris, Mimi Kravitz, Ted Merwin, Ben Schindler, Meg Siritzky

Curious what we mean by functional sessions? These are affinity-specific times for you to be with colleagues focused on similar things whether it's Marketing, Total Financial Resource Development, Finance, Human Resources, Community Relations - and many more.

We will come together with others from our various functions and begin diving into the key topics of focus for professionals everywhere. These sessions are open to all, even those from another function. Get excited to experience sessions being planned with field practitioners on relevant topics to our work including new approaches to donor engagement, working with changing technology, workplace culture, data informed practices, communicating during difficult times and much more. 

The field of Israel educational travel has grown to become one of the cornerstones of Jewish identity building in North America and for deepening ties between the global Jewish people and Israel. It is the most effective educational tool we have, and it’s no surprise that federations remain committed to their investment in these transformative experiences.  

As we grapple with the current conflict, we have an opportunity to think both creatively and critically about how to continue the work even if we are unable to bring people to Israel at this very moment. Our expert panel will reflect on this crisis moment and the heightened impact of Israel educational travel experiences as they discuss the enduring impact of mifgash connections, the importance of volunteerism, the correlation between current events in Israel and the surge in antisemitism and anti-Zionism in North America, and strategies for seamlessly integrating these programmatic initiatives into our federation structure more broadly. 


What do we mean when we say that development is everyone’s job?  It’s more than just phone-a-thons and staffing events.  Raising dollars relies on your entire teams’ core strengths.  From ensuring data about community needs is timely and accurate; to gathering meaningful stories; to relationship building; to ensuring people have the information they need to answer the tough questions, raising money is a team effort!  Learn best practices and brainstorm with other professionals ways to better utilize your team members.


The current war in Israel has caused heightened anxieties, distractions, and worries on so many levels.  What should employers do to address these and what should we be sensitive to?  In this regard, we will hear about mental health accommodations which was of concern in the workplace, even before tragic events in Israel. Additionally, we will hear about DEI initiatives post Supreme Court affirmative action decision; gender identity - misgendering - transitioning in the workplace; NLRB rulings on confidentiality and non-disparagement provisions; work from home concerns; AI and new employee screening; respect at work reminders as staff are together again, plus evolving labor trends. 


Every one of us can name cumbersome processes that eat up time and cause frustration. And we’re not alone. Nine out of ten employees report being burdened with mundane, repetitive tasks, that can waste up to two full days of work per month with error-prone, manual work. Intelligent automation dramatically lowers the time, effort, and cost of making new things possible, and it’s not out of reach or complex. Join us for a hands-on, interactive, expert-led session to we evaluate and automate real life manual tasks using Microsoft’s low-code Power Platform to create immediate, tangible value.


Impact investing is relatively new and has developed rapidly over the last decade. According to the Global Impact Investment Network (GIIN) the worldwide impact investment market totals over $1.164 trillion in assets under management and growing. While a great deal has been written about the subject, most of this work comes from the world of finance and asks questions about financial return, comparing impact investing with investing purely for profit. It is generally defined as investments made by companies, organizations, and funds with the intention to generate social and environmental impact alongside a financial return. Participants will gain, through the lens of Jewish values, an understanding of ESG and Impact Investing, the rationale behind them, and the many options that are available in the market.

Getting Acquainted: Small Federation CEO session (exclusively for small Federation CEOs) - by invitation only

Room: Astoria

Deciding what information to share and how frequently to do so requires careful considering of the specific needs and expectations of each audience. This session will reveal how to address these challenges and provide sample dashboard formats from experts and your peer CFOs to use. 


It’s on all of our minds – donor numbers are shrinking. What if there were a way to re-engage past donors by using existing data and channels to compel giving? This session is designed to help you uncover the potential in your community. Hear from past teams who have successfully done this work, learn their secret model, and walk away with the tools and resources to try it in your community. 


Join Gali Cooks for a session on how senior leaders can support their teams during this time of "faraway but emotionally close" events. Learn data-backed strategies and ideas for leading with empathy and building resiliency during times of crisis.
This session is geared to C Suite, senior staff, COOs, HR pros, planners and CEOS. 


Elevate your professional presence with a brand-new headshot! Thanks to the sponsorship of JPro, we are offering complimentary headshot sessions during the conference, ensuring you leave with a polished and updated profile picture. It's the perfect opportunity to capture your best professional self. 

Curious what we mean by functional sessions? These are affinity-specific times for you to be with colleagues focused on similar things whether it's Marketing, Total Financial Resource Development, Finance, Human Resources, Community Relations - and many more. We will come together with others from our various functions and begin diving into the key topics of focus for professionals everywhere. These sessions are open to all, even those from another function. Get excited to experience sessions being planned with field practitioners on relevant topics to our work including new approaches to donor engagement, working with changing technology, workplace culture, data informed practices, communicating during difficult times and much more. 

The current war in Israel has caused heightened anxieties, distractions, and worries on so many levels.  What should employers do to address these and what should we be sensitive to?  In this regard, we will hear about mental health accommodations which was of concern in the workplace, even before tragic events in Israel. Additionally, we will hear about DEI initiatives post Supreme Court affirmative action decision; gender identity - misgendering - transitioning in the workplace; NLRB rulings on confidentiality and non-disparagement provisions; work from home concerns; AI and new employee screening; respect at work reminders as staff are together again, plus evolving labor trends. 


Join us to review best practices in year-round stewardship and how to pivot and augment your stewardship during a crisis.  We will have time to workshop questions and provide coaching and consultation. This session is geared for early career FRD professionals and those who are not in the FRD team but want to learn more.


We do important work when it comes to addressing antisemitism and combating anti-Israel rhetoric, but how do we talk about it in a way that resonates with groups and audiences we don’t know very well? What does the research show us? Join us as we unpack innovative market research covering how to effectively speak about Israel and antisemitism to people from a wide array of backgrounds and demographics.


Thanks to important social innovations in medicine and technology, we are experiencing the gift of increased longevity - living longer, better. As a result, we have added roughly thirty years of life extension to the middle of our lives - not the end - and created a new life stage: “Middlescence”. Together, we will explore the intersection of “Middlescence” and Jewish life and community. How can we re-imagine, design for, and invest in Jewish engagement opportunities for people entering midlife (55+) to find purpose, community, and connection in a Jewish context? What do we need to build, and where should we begin? Join us as we dive into the latest national research, uncovering the engagement trends and evolving needs of the 55+ community within the Jewish community. Discover how local Federations are taking the lead, designing programs and initiatives that cater to the unique needs and desires of this dynamic demographic. From cultural experiences and lifelong learning opportunities to volunteerism and social connections, explore a wide range of strategies that are transforming the landscape of 55+ engagement.


This session will provide a basic overview of planned giving, including how to think about PG&E during a crisis. We will explore the role of planned giving in our organizations, discuss the diverse economic impact of planned giving, highlight the basic philanthropic vehicles and share best practice examples from the field regarding integration of planned giving into overall FRD activities.

Sharing of Best Practices in Small Federations (Exclusively for small Federation CEOs) - by invitation only

Room: Astoria

Room: Boulevard C

Politics and economics, once distinct are now converging. In this everchanging economic environment, understanding the economic trends and their impact on our ability to predict future donor appetite for giving and costs to operate our organizations. Investment strategies impact your agency's future ability to plan for endowment and agency allocations. In this session, a prominent economist will share his economic predictions, analyze key indicators, and forecast potential trajectories for the global and local economies, providing you with the tools to evaluate its impact on your operating strategy.


Join this immersive session exploring overseas allocation models that foster local engagement with Israel and Global Jewry – and their application during the current time of crisis.  Learn what the data is teaching us about our systems' overseas allocations and explore various approaches that build a strong foundation for a flourishing, connected and enduring relationship between local Jewish communities, the people of Israel, and Jews around the world.


The mantra of data is everywhere, but capitalizing on its wealth and creating a culture that champions its usage is much more elusive. What data should we be collecting to make informed decisions with confidence? What data points can lead us to accelerated fundraising and impact?  During this session we’ll explore an approach to constituent engagement scoring and insights.  How can collecting and analyzing key constituent data inform our strategy in constituent fundraising, engagement, and leadership for Federations of all sizes. Specifically, we will explore:

  • Identifying current and future data points that drive engagement measurement
  • Developing and analyzing the results of an engagement scoring model to gain insights among key segments of Federation communities within CRMs and other tools
  • Visualizing data and using results to make informed decisions around engagement/leadership opportunities and programming
  • Optimizing the scoring models over time

Understanding the depth of feelings that so many of us are experiencing at this time, and the need for a safe space to process together with colleagues, Chicago’s Jewish Community Emergency Response Team (JCERT) will be facilitating small group support sessions for FedPro participants.


Gathering for Large City Federation Executives cohort. Available by invitation only.

Come together with colleagues for a traditional afternoon and evening worship service, Mincha/Ma’ariv.  Support those who may be in a time of mourning and be inspired by the ancient prayers of Jewish tradition.  All are welcome (note – majority of service will be conducted in Hebrew.) 

Prayer books and Torah loaned by Chicago Loop Synagogue.

Koren prayer books donated by Koren Publishing.

Room: Conference Room 4C

Join us for a short 5 – 10 minute meditation to maintain calm and composure during a busy conference and at a challenging time for our community. Learn about the intersection of Judaism and meditation and get information about where you can find resources to use in your community. 

Dinner & Networking Reception Room: Grand Ballroom, Grand Ballroom Foyer, Normandie Lounge

Join your colleagues for drinks, networking and a delicious meal, and most importantly a time to be together.  

Holy Laughter with the Famous Second City.  Yiddish Proverb: “What soap is to the body, laughter is to the soul.” Laughter in times of trouble is part of what it means to be connected to the Jewish community.  It is how we cope, how we connect, and how we make sense of the pain in the world. The Second City is home to comedy legends like Steve Carrell, Tina Fey, and Bill Murray.

6:00am - 10:00pm CDT

Nursing Lounge Room: Continental South Office

Room: PDR 4

Come together with colleagues for a traditional morning worship service, Shacharit.  Support those who may be in a time of mourning and be inspired by the ancient prayers of Jewish tradition.  All are welcome (note – majority of service will be conducted in Hebrew.) 

Meet at the Wellness Room and go for a run as you start your day to stay in a healthy routine while attending the conference. 

Room: Conference Room 4C

Meet at the Wellness Room and take a walk with colleagues. Walk and talk, catch up or meet new people. Get some exercise and feel refreshed after so much sitting! 

Room: Conference Room 4C

 Get your day started with some gentle yoga stretching that can be done in professional clothing. Build community with other yogis and begin each day refreshed.

You will either join a function-specific breakfast or keep the morning quiet and calm, grabbing some food, and fueling up for the day ahead.

Please look for your designated group in the room.

CEO Breakfast: Meet your colleagues from across the system and discuss top of mind opportunities and challenges

Room: Waldorf

Following the atrocities of October 7th, many in the Jewish community advocacy space have suddenly felt unable to connect with partners and organizations with whom we’ve worked for many years. The rhetoric surrounding the Hamas terrorist attack and Israel’s response have become deeply polarizing and feel deeply personal. How can we make sense of our partners’ reactions? And how do we move forward to ensure the Jewish community is not abandoned in these spaces? 


Recommended for ALL FRD Pros and CDOs to attend.

General Breakfast

Room: Continental B

Intermediate and Small City Size Finance Pros Gathering

Room: Boulevard B

Israel & Overseas Pros Gathering

Room: Joliet

Please look for your designated group in the room.

Large City Size Finance Professionals Breakfast

Room: Boulevard C

Please look for your designated group in the room.

Planning & Impact Pros Gathering

Room: Astoria

Please look for your designated group in the room.

7:30am - 5:30pm CDT

Registration Open & Help Desk Open Room: Grand Ballroom Foyer

There will be a designated space throughout the conference where attendees may visit for support with your Federation’s response efforts to the war in Israel. JFNA staff in the areas of advocacy, marketing, social media, fundraising, and more will be available in this space to answer questions, provide relevant resources, and assist you with your on-going plans.  There will also be outlets, chargers, and other tools for professionals who need to take care of critical work at this time. 

Note: Space will be closed during the plenary

Staffed by: Jessica Lazar Bates, Alisa Bodner, Max Harris, Mimi Kravitz, Ted Merwin, Ben Schindler, Meg Siritzky

Gathering (by invite only)

Elevate your professional presence with a brand-new headshot! Thanks to the sponsorship of JPro, we are offering complimentary headshot sessions during the conference, ensuring you leave with a polished and updated profile picture. It's the perfect opportunity to capture your best professional self. 

8:15am - 9:15am CDT

Large Intermediate City Size Finance Pros Gathering Room: Buckingham

9:00am - 9:30am CDT

Networking Break Room: Continental Foyer, Normandie Lounge, 3rd Floor Hallway, Conference Room 4C

Curious what we mean by functional sessions? These are affinity-specific times for you to be with colleagues focused on similar things whether it's Marketing, Total Financial Resource Development, Finance, Human Resources, Community Relations - and many more.

We will come together with others from our various functions and begin diving into the key topics of focus for professionals everywhere. These sessions are open to all, even those from another function. Get excited to experience sessions being planned with field practitioners on relevant topics to our work including new approaches to donor engagement, working with changing technology, workplace culture, data informed practices, communicating during difficult times and much more. 

McKinsey research has identified a set of skills that senior operational leaders need to help their organizations succeed. These include anticipating change, driving collaboration, facilitating board-staff partnership, enabling employees through operational excellence, and managing talent. These skills are needed even more so in moments of crisis and emergency response. Join us to engage with the research and discuss how to practically excel in these areas in a Federation environment. We will take away lessons that we can immediately apply to help our teams operate more efficiently and effectively together. 


This 90-minute double-session offers an introduction to campaign planning, including the Annual Campaign and Planned Giving & Endowments, and addresses the flexibility needed to adapt, as many communities are doing. In the first 45 minutes, two Chief Development Officers (CDOs) will present a framework for crafting a campaign plan. The second half features an informal workshop period, allowing attendees to explore crucial fundraising planning elements, regardless of their organization's structure or city size, and receive guidance from both the presenters and their peers. This session is valuable for all Federation professionals.


Through the tumult of the pandemic, change was around every corner. And while necessity accelerated adoption, maintaining a culture that embraces change has been challenging. With many Federations leaning into digital transformation, now more than ever we need to be equipped with the right tools and strategies to fuel buy in and ease the way for innovation. Join us for a discussion around the keys to successfully and purposefully shaping your organization’s change maturity - from commitment and ownership to value exchange - while exploring stories of success and failure from Federation peers.

Tactical takeaways include:

  • Best practices for building and maintaining engagement to ensure adoption
  • How to engage key stakeholders with different levels of interest
  • The most effective ways to handle change resistance

Community Studies are amazing tools for data collection but there are many different ways to gain insights into your local Jewish population without a large-scale study.  Come learn from colleagues about best practice in community data collection that provided insights for strategic planning and engagement. 


Join us for a thought-provoking conversation about the future of Jewish family engagement and dive deep into the question of how communities can unlock maximum impact through bold, strategic investments to engage Jewish families. We'll explore the potential of a "big bet" strategy led by federations. How can communities invest deeply to revolutionize family engagement? What are the challenges and opportunities of this approach? How can Federations leverage their unique position to drive meaningful change? We will delve into examining innovative strategies that are reshaping the landscape and shine a spotlight on the critical challenge of engaging Jewish families today.


This session will focus on building a case for prioritizing legacy giving among in our communities, at all times, and how these critical funds play a role in good times and challenging ones. We will take a deeper dive into the benefits of endowment and legacy giving for donors and fundholders, for Federations,  and for broader Jewish Community. Further, we will explore the role of the FRD professional in incorporating legacy giving into our individual donor engagement work, communication channels andprofessional development and training for our FRD teams.


As the voice of the Jewish community, each Federation has the challenging role of respecting and honoring its community’s diverse views on Israel, strengthening bonds with the Jewish State, and raising and allocating collective funds for Israel and Overseas programs. Join this session to practice skills for facilitating positive community discourse on Israel and learn how Federations have brought their diverse communities together to develop community consensus documents on Israel.


Did you know Charity Navigator’s rating system has changed dramatically over the last three years? No longer does it just rate on finance and accountability: Charities now can earn scores on a wide range of factors, including impact, leadership, adaptability, feedback practices, and more. Join Charity Navigator's chief program officer as she walks through the rating system, what it means, and how nonprofits can adopt these best practices to improve both their own effectiveness and convey trust to potential donors. Using this explanation, you will be able to analyze how your existing and proposed accounting procedures impact your rating.   Following Charity Navigator’s presentation, Seth Katzen, the CEO of Jewish Federation of Delaware, will share how he transformed his agency, receiving 4-stars!


Women’s Philanthropy Campaigns in the Federation system are the fastest growing components of the Annual Campaign, now representing 23% of the total campaign. Women today hold 40 percent of global wealth, and across nearly every income level, The Women’s Philanthropy Institute research shows that women are more likely to give—and, on average, give more—than men. By 2030, women will control as much as two-thirds of wealth in the U.S. During this session, we will focus on the new trends we are seeing in Women's Philanthropy, as well as the treasured elements that are continuing to be nurtured. We will learn from each other by sharing experiences, while also hearing from several of our Women's Philanthropy professionals with different strategies on how they and their communities are approaching and planning for the future.


We need to rethink where and when turnover will happen, especially during challenging times.  While individuals might have stayed with their organizations for 5-6 years, this is changing and we find that we are plugging holes in any number of areas.  Those entering the workforce are not as willing to work through the highs and lows of an organization and so, we need to be prepared.  Heather will talk about 3 “buckets” to consider as we navigate this new reality: Outsourcing, over staffing at lower levels, joining forces with other entities 

She will also address the practical concerns around these options and other ways of thinking about and addressing workforce challenges with recognition that the current war in Israel creates extra stress on workplaces and its employees. 


Curious what we mean by functional sessions? These are affinity-specific times for you to be with colleagues focused on similar things whether it's Marketing, Total Financial Resource Development, Finance, Human Resources, Community Relations - and many more. We will come together with others from our various functions and begin diving into the key topics of focus for professionals everywhere. These sessions are open to all, even those from another function. Get excited to experience sessions being planned with field practitioners on relevant topics to our work including new approaches to donor engagement, working with changing technology, workplace culture, data informed practices, communicating during difficult times and much more. 

This 90-minute double-session offers an introduction to campaign planning, including the Annual Campaign and Planned Giving & Endowments, and addresses the flexibility needed to adapt, as many communities are doing. In the first 45 minutes, two Chief Development Officers (CDOs) will present a framework for crafting a campaign plan. The second half features an informal workshop period, allowing attendees to explore crucial fundraising planning elements, regardless of their organization's structure or city size, and receive guidance from both the presenters and their peers. This session is valuable for all Federation professionals.


We all believe in the work we do on behalf of Jewish community. We all want to inspire giving to make great impact. But how often do you find a disconnect between the focus of your passion and that of your colleagues? This session aims to empower you and your colleagues with the techniques, skills, and innovative collaborative models that help foster stronger more impactful collaboration. 

This session will be most impactful if you join with your colleagues from other departments.


The pandemic didn't just change the rules; it rewrote the entire playbook. Organizations were thrust into a digital revolution, whether they were ready or not. And now, as we attempt to return to 'business as usual,' the big question is, how do we hold onto the digital gains we've made and with momentum toward a tech-centric future? Step right up and learn from Mark, an Executive powerhouse with over two decades of experience steering monumental changes in renowned, multinational brands.

Aimed specifically at Federations both large and small, this session will unpack everything you need to not just survive but THRIVE in a post-COVID era. Come join the discussion and glean insights from Federations who've been there and done that. Among the topics we'll deep dive into are:

   * The Starting Line: Decoding the secrets of what to prioritize in your digital journey, tailored for your Federation's unique challenges.

   * The Building Blocks: Zeroing in on critical components for a sustainable and impactful digital ecosystem. Think of this as constructing your Federation's "Fortress of Excellence.” 

   * The Finish Line: Don't just aim, hit the bullseye. We'll dissect how to visualize your end goals so they're not just buzzwords on a boardroom slide. 

   * Post-Pandemic Playbook: Capitalize on the digital gains made during the pandemic. Keep the digital fires burning within your teams, while avoiding getting burned.

Join us for an eye-opening session that’s equal parts inspiration and perspiration, because the best plans are those that move seamlessly from the drawing board to the real world. We guarantee you’ll walk out with tactical know-how and the strategic prowess to lead your Federation into the future.


Join us for a thought-provoking conversation about the future of Jewish family engagement and dive deep into the question of how communities can unlock maximum impact through bold, strategic investments to engage Jewish families. We'll explore the potential of a "big bet" strategy led by federations. How can communities invest deeply to revolutionize family engagement? What are the challenges and opportunities of this approach? How can Federations leverage their unique position to drive meaningful change? We will delve into examining innovative strategies that are reshaping the landscape and shine a spotlight on the critical challenge of engaging Jewish families today.


This session will focus on building a case for prioritizing legacy giving among in our communities, at all times, and how these critical funds play a role in good times and challenging ones. We will take a deeper dive into the benefits of endowment and legacy giving for donors and fundholders, for Federations,  and for broader Jewish Community. Further, we will explore the role of the FRD professional in incorporating legacy giving into our individual donor engagement work, communication channels andprofessional development and training for our FRD teams.


As the voice of the Jewish community, each Federation has the challenging role of respecting and honoring its community’s diverse views on Israel, strengthening bonds with the Jewish State, and raising and allocating collective funds for Israel and Overseas programs. Join this session to practice skills for facilitating positive community discourse on Israel and learn how Federations have brought their diverse communities together to develop community consensus documents on Israel.


Did you know Charity Navigator’s rating system has changed dramatically over the last three years? No longer does it just rate on finance and accountability: Charities now can earn scores on a wide range of factors, including impact, leadership, adaptability, feedback practices, and more. Join Charity Navigator's chief program officer as she walks through the rating system, what it means, and how nonprofits can adopt these best practices to improve both their own effectiveness and convey trust to potential donors. Using this explanation, you will be able to analyze how your existing and proposed accounting procedures impact your rating.   Following Charity Navigator’s presentation, Seth Katzen, the CEO of Jewish Federation of Delaware, will share how he transformed his agency, receiving 4-stars!


We need to rethink where and when turnover will happen, especially during challenging times.  While individuals might have stayed with their organizations for 5-6 years, this is changing and we find that we are plugging holes in any number of areas.  Those entering the workforce are not as willing to work through the highs and lows of an organization and so, we need to be prepared.  Heather will talk about 3 “buckets” to consider as we navigate this new reality: Outsourcing, over staffing at lower levels, joining forces with other entities 

She will also address the practical concerns around these options and other ways of thinking about and addressing workforce challenges with recognition that the current war in Israel creates extra stress on workplaces and its employees. 

11:00am - 11:30am CDT

Networking Break Room: Continental Foyer, Normandie Lounge, 3rd Floor Hallway, Conference Room 4C

There are so many universal topics that we all care about, no matter our professional function. Whether you are interested in learning more about supervision training, effectively managing lay-pro relationships, connecting with Jewish learning, utilizing AI and technology for your work, or one of the number of other topics we will cover in the cross-function workshops, pick one that matters most to you! 

This session will focus on the foundational elements of major donor engagement and stewardship during times of crisis. We will explore the importance of understanding wealth, the current research data on high net worth philanthropic individuals, and the relational engagement best practices that lead to transformative gifts. 


To create and maintain safe and respectful organizations, culture matters. When we don’t pay enough attention to our culture, we sacrifice opportunities for engagement, outstanding performance and risk losing important contributors. The core of successful cultural work is making it safe for people to speak up, and to know that it is safe to do so. Building a Speak-up Culture will give individual employees and organizational leadership the understanding and tools needed both to respond to problematic situations in the moment and to build the cultures, processes and norms needed to move their Federations to a place of greater safety, respect, and equity. This session will introduce participants to new tools and resources developed by JFNA to help professionals recognize issues and speak up on behalf of themselves or their peers, and to build an organizational culture where it is safe to do so.  


With an AI powered future and the mantra of being data driven, it is no surprise that CRMs, or Constituent/Customer Relationship Platforms, are top of mind. Done well, a CRM can build stronger relationships, fuel fundraising efforts, and accelerate impact. A panel of experts will discuss the current landscape of opportunity and best practice processes around selecting, implementing, and managing a CRM, as well as what the future of CRM holds for non-profits. JFNA will also present an update on the evolution of the Federation CRM collective - where we are to date and what is on the horizon. Following the presentation, whether you are in the market for a new CRM or are just curious, you’ll have the opportunity to join a variety of breakouts focused on different platform options and have your questions answered by actual Federation users, including Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics, BBCRM, Raiser’s Edge, Virtuous, and Arreva. Coming away from this session you will learn: 

  • What a CRM does and doesn’t do 

  • The current landscape of non-profit CRM options

  • Where the CRM sector is evolving and innovating 

  • Best practices in selecting, implementing, and managing a CRM ecosystem 

  • Realtime CRM feedback from Federations on their current state and future vision 


The idea of offering employees the ability to sign up for benefits that meet individual needs is not new.  But as lifestyles continue to evolve, those needs are growing and expanding.  And so are the products and services that are available to address them.  Along with that, employees are more attuned to the value of these benefits which offer not only financial protection but, in some cases, the idea of an improved quality of life.   This session will provide insight into this market, ranging from long term care to caregiver services to pet insurance -- helping you understand what might work best for your employees. 


Join Rabbi Mike Uram, Chief Jewish Learning Officer at JFNA to unpack Israel’s history through a lens of complexity and gain a better understanding of the key features of Israel and Zionism. This workshop aims to help you feel more grounded and confident both personally and professionally when it comes to understanding Israel today and the politics as they show up in North American Jewish life, especially in this moment in time.   No prior knowledge needed, and we will create a space that encourages questions of all kinds that is welcoming and inclusive to all.  


This is a workshop to inform your work no matter your role, religious affiliation, or familiarity with Judaism.  

Jewish values are core to igniting and sustaining life long, meaningful Jewish giving. With declining donor numbers, this kind of connected, intentional engagement is key to Federations’ wellbeing. Join Amplifier, powered by JFNA for a practical workshop on the power of infusing Jewish values and community building into your work to inspire giving. Participants will leave with off-the-shelf tools to engage new and existing donors, deepen relationships, and sustain ongoing engagement through innovative, collective giving experiences. This is an interactive workshop so come ready to learn from your peers, try out new activities, and leave with tools you can implement immediately!  


Designed for professionals experienced in working with lay leaders, this session will explore what to do when you don’t know what to do! Using case study methodologies, we will focus on tools and techniques for difficult conversations and situations. Come prepared to share your own challenges and to brainstorm solutions with your colleagues. This session is open to professionals who have managed at least 1 board or committee for at least 3 years. 


In this interactive session, we will explore several ideas and strategies for creating cultures of belonging that allow all employees to flourish during these difficult times. Through areas such as onboarding and supervision, you can create an environment in which professionals are equipped to perform and grow. There is a role and space for creating a culture of care, connection and belonging at all career levels. This session will introduce participants to new tools and use case studies and role play to provide participants with practice and application for implementation upon returning home.   


Being a manager can be rewarding, challenging and stressful. It’s important that today’s leaders feel equipped with the skills to effectively align performance expectations, generate better outcomes, and foster employee engagement. Wouldn’t it be great to have easily understood and immediately applicable ideas to make managing easier? Best-in-class models, breakouts, surveys, and other hands-on activities will be used throughout the session to ensure leaders can immediately take the program information and use it back on the job. The program will support participants as they:

  • Understand the three types of feedback
  • Learn a best in class model to provide positive and developmental feedback
  • Manage feedback reactions
  • Understand the difference between coaching and feedback 
  • Embed coaching into managing performance

 While we encourage participants to attend both sessions, one on Monday and the other on Tuesday, each session also works as a stand-alone and you may choose to attend just one of the sessions.  


To achieve organizational objectives, especially during moments of great disruption and change as we are in now, it is important for people to know how they can garner support for initiatives, secure needed resources and talent, and persuade key stakeholders. This workshop focuses on psychological influence tactics that help people to gain other’s commitment, regardless of the individual’s formal level of authority. Short vignettes and video case clips will be used throughout the session to highlight various approaches to influence. During this workshop participants will:

  • Study the science and psychology of influence.  

  • Learn about tools and levers that they can use to influence others.  

  • Evaluate the benefits and detriments associated with influence strategies.  

  • Assess the most appropriate influence strategies and styles to use in particular circumstances.  


Understanding the depth of feelings that so many of us are experiencing at this time, and the need for a safe space to process together with colleagues, Chicago’s Jewish Community Emergency Response Team (JCERT) will be facilitating small group support sessions for FedPro participants.


These are opportunities over lunch to meet with a group of people around shared identities and lived experience. We also recognize that many participants may identify with more than one of the groups running concurrently. We regret that some people will have to make difficult choices and hope that members of these groups will connect at other times during the conference.  The following groups will be meeting during lunch.

Disabilities: For people who identify as someone with a disability.  

Room: Buckingham

Room: Continental B

For people who identify as Israeli and Israeli-North American or who have family in Israel. There will be options of Hebrew and English-speaking groups to ensure participants feel comfortable expressing themselves and articulating their reflections on the War in Israel. 

LGBTQ+: For people who identify as lesbian, gay, bi, queer, or trans

Room: Continental C

Race and Ethnicity: For people who identify as Black, Indigenous, African-American/Canadian, Latin American, Asian American, Sephardi, Mizrachi or Non-European

Room: Continental A

Religion: For people who identify with a religion other than Judaism, or no faith group

Room: Continental B

Russian Speakers: For people who identify as Russian speakers working with Jewish communities

Room: Continental A

1:00pm - 2:00pm CDT

Convening and Program for Small Federation CEOs Room: Joliet

1:00pm - 2:00pm CDT

Large City - Large Intermediate CDO Meeting Room: Marquette

Lunch Room: International Ballroom

Take this time to network. To recharge. To connect. To disconnect. Whatever you need - this time is for you!

Sponsored by: FidTech Partners and Giving Tech

An opportunity for rabbis and ordained clergy to reflect on the 21st century rabbinate and discuss issues facing our Federations, and Jewish life. This session is limited to rabbis and ordained clergy only. 


Afternoon Prayers

Chair Yoga in the Wellness Lounge

Room: Conference Room 4C

In this plenary session, we are welcomed by Jewish Federation of North America’s Board Chair, Julie Platt, who will share her deep appreciation of Federation pros. There will be special live music to help inspire and strengthen us in this difficult moment and we will hear from different Federation pros from across the system who will share their perspectives on a leadership quality that is necessary in times of crisis.  


Rabbi Office Hours Room: Conference Room 4C

Take some time to meet with Rabbi Mike Uram to reflect on your time at the conference or talk about anything that is on your mind. Share your thoughts on Israel, on your work, on Jewish learning and ask any questions you may have for clergy but never asked. Come in small groups or individually. Drop in for five minutes or for 30. Meet Rabbi Mike in the Wellness Room and you will find a spot to talk.

4:00pm - 4:30pm CDT

Networking Break Room: Continental Foyer, Normandie Lounge, 3rd Floor Hallway, Conference Room 4C

CEOs and Executive Directors from the state of Florida will be convening for a statewide meeting.

Curious what we mean by functional sessions? These are affinity-specific times for you to be with colleagues focused on similar things whether it's Marketing, Total Financial Resource Development, Finance, Human Resources, Community Relations - and many more.

We will come together with others from our various functions and begin diving into the key topics of focus for professionals everywhere. These sessions are open to all, even those from another function. Get excited to experience sessions being planned with field practitioners on relevant topics to our work including new approaches to donor engagement, working with changing technology, workplace culture, data informed practices, communicating during difficult times and much more. 

Optimize donor participation and retention of emergency and annual donors with scalable approaches. This session will explore innovative methods to enhance campaign efficiency and effectiveness and ensure growing and continued support from your donor base. Join us to uncover practical and successful strategies to maximize and expand your fundraising efforts.

Convening and program for small Federation CEOs (Exclusively for small Federation CEOs) - by invitation only

Room: Astoria

You know the amazing work your Federation does every day. Why shouldn't the rest of the community? This session will teach you how to craft a press strategy and work plan in order to elevate the work you do in your community.


Learn program evaluation and actionable data insights from the experts at Rosov Consulting designed for professionals seeking to enhance their skills in evaluating community programs and harnessing the power of data for greater impact. This interactive session will provide participants with practical knowledge and tools to effectively measure program outcomes, uncover valuable insights, and make data-driven decisions to drive positive change within their organizations and communities.


Join fellow mission professionals for a conversation (an open forum to discussion) about how Federations are engaging past mission participants in Israel Emergency campaigns and advocacy and planning for the future - rescheduling and scheduling new missions to show solidarity and see Federations' work firsthand.


As technology evolves at a rapid pace, so too is the role of the IT and data professional. We are at a major inflection point, where thought-leading enterprises are championing a new breed of technical and data leader - those that can enact the most transformation driven value. Pivotal word: Leader. Now much more than just a service provider, technology and data professionals must hone the softer side of their skillset. They need to be adept at storytelling strategies, selling in new ideas, generating adoption, and leading an organization towards innovation. In this session we’ll cover the tactile methodologies to changing the way Federations view these roles and how to reframe and reposition yourself and your department as a strategic though leader, well deserving of a seat at the table.


Fiduciaries must be able to routinely evaluate the performance of their investment programs to ensure their efficacy.  In today's rapidly evolving financial landscape, selecting the right investment consultants and OCIOs cannot be overstated.  This panel will take attendees through the intricate and often challenging evaluation and RFP process, with firsthand experiences from both the Federation’s and the responder's perspectives.  We'll cover the journey from evaluation to search (RFO) and how to monitor the chosen partners for sustained success.


The Mandel Center, Jewish Federation's professional talent arm, would like to hear from you. This session will be devoted to learning about how we can help you during this time of crisis as well as provide best-in-class support for your training and staff development needs. This will be your opportunity to generate ideas and present your "wish list" to those who really want to hear and act on them.    


Explore data driven foundation models of grant making in the context of a Jewish Federation annual planning process. With a focus on maintaining high quality relationships and maximizing resources, this session aims to equip participants with the knowledge and strategies to move from allocations to a grantmaking within their communities.


Curious what we mean by functional sessions? These are affinity-specific times for you to be with colleagues focused on similar things whether it's Marketing, Total Financial Resource Development, Finance, Human Resources, Community Relations - and many more. We will come together with others from our various functions and begin diving into the key topics of focus for professionals everywhere. These sessions are open to all, even those from another function. Get excited to experience sessions being planned with field practitioners on relevant topics to our work including new approaches to donor engagement, working with changing technology, workplace culture, data informed practices, communicating during difficult times and much more. 

Convening and program for small Federation CEOs (Exclusively for small Federation CEOs) - by invitation only (cont'd)

Room: Astoria

Every business needs to evolve and innovate to keep up with a rapidly changing economy and technology landscape, especially as the world embraces AI. And competitiveness is the key to continued impact and growth. But implementing innovation is challenging and comes with a host of pitfalls as well as pathways towards a greater likelihood of achieving success. During this expert led session, we’ll cover best practice steps Federations of any size can achieve simple, continuous success in implementing innovation, while avoiding seductive snags along the way.


You know the amazing work your Federation does every day. Why shouldn't the rest of the community? This session will teach you how to craft a press strategy and work plan in order to elevate the work you do in your community.


Learn program evaluation and actionable data insights from the experts at Rosov Consulting designed for professionals seeking to enhance their skills in evaluating community programs and harnessing the power of data for greater impact. This interactive session will provide participants with practical knowledge and tools to effectively measure program outcomes, uncover valuable insights, and make data-driven decisions to drive positive change within their organizations and communities.


In today's dynamic non-profit landscape, selecting and implementing the right software programs is critical to stay competitive and enhance organizational efficiency. This presentation delves into the intricacies of adopting new software highlighting strategies for two crucial business areas: Accounting and Donor Management

During this session, we will explore the common pitfalls and essential considerations that organizations must address while embarking on the journey of software selection and implementation. From finance departments seeking to streamline accounting processes with General Ledger software, sales and marketing teams aiming to optimize customer relationships through CRM solutions, to enterprises integrating their operations through an ERP system, each domain poses unique challenges.


The Mandel Center, JFNA's professional talent arm, would like to hear from you. This session will be devoted to learning about how we can provide best-in-class support for your training and staff development needs.   This will be your opportunity to generate ideas and present your "wish list" to those who really want to listen and be responsive. 


Explore data driven foundation models of grant making in the context of a Jewish Federation annual planning process. With a focus on maintaining high quality relationships and maximizing resources, this session aims to equip participants with the knowledge and strategies to move from allocations to a grantmaking within their communities.


Room: Continental C

Drop-in session for anyone who has general FRD questions, is looking for best practice information, or who just can’t get enough FRD in life!


Understanding the depth of feelings that so many of us are experiencing at this time, and the need for a safe space to process together with colleagues, Chicago’s Jewish Community Emergency Response Team (JCERT) will be facilitating small group support sessions for FedPro participants.


Room: PDR 4

Come together with colleagues for a traditional afternoon and evening worship service, Mincha/Ma’ariv.  Support those who may be in a time of mourning and be inspired by the ancient prayers of Jewish tradition.  All are welcome (note – majority of service will be conducted in Hebrew.) 

Prayer books and Torah loaned by Chicago Loop Synagogue.

Koren prayer books donated by Koren Publishing.

Room: Conference Room 4C

Join us for a short 5 – 10 minute meditation to maintain calm and composure during a busy conference and at a challenging time for our community. Learn about the intersection of Judaism and meditation and get information about where you can find resources to use in your community.

Make plans with colleagues to do your own thing for dinner! This time is for you.

Join Jewish Federations of North America CEO Eric Fingerhut and Executive Vice President Shira Hutt for a private discussion about the biggest and most critical issues facing our communities right now, analysis on how we should be thinking about addressing them, and what we can do right now to inspire our community partners to care.


Special Concert with David Broza Room: Grand Ballroom, Grand Ballroom Foyer

Israeli’s legendary singer-songwriter, David Broza performs a special concert designed just for you, our extraordinary pros, at this difficult time.  Join us for dessert and drinks, and a deeply healing musical experience.  

6:00am - 6:00pm CDT

Nursing Lounge Room: Continental South Office

Room: PDR 4

Come together with colleagues for a traditional afternoon and evening worship service, Mincha/Ma’ariv.  Support those who may be in a time of mourning and be inspired by the ancient prayers of Jewish tradition.  All are welcome (note – majority of service will be conducted in Hebrew.) 

Prayer books and Torah loaned by Chicago Loop Synagogue.

Koren prayer books donated by Koren Publishing.

Meet at the Wellness Room and go for a run as you start your day to stay in a healthy routine while attending the conference. 

Meet at the Wellness Room and take a walk with colleagues. Walk and talk, catch up or meet new people. Get some exercise and feel refreshed after so much sitting! 

Room: Conference Room 4C

Get your day started with some gentle yoga stretching that can be done in professional clothing😊. Build community with other yogis and begin each day refreshed.

Breakfast Room: Continental Foyer, Normandie Lounge, 3rd Floor Hallway

Enjoy an easy morning. Fuel up for the day with a warm cup of coffee and a delicious breakfast.

Never has there been a greater need for our communities to mobilize to ensure Israel and Jewish communities have the civil support they need. How do we ensure our community relations infrastructure is best positioned to do this work? Start the day with a facilitated, discussion-based networking opportunity for CEOs and Community Relations professionals from across the system to ideate the most effective tools necessary to increase Federation's civic engagement. Grab your breakfast and we will begin discussing at 7:15am sharp!


Rabbi Office Hours Room: Conference Room 4C

Take some time to meet with Rabbi Mike Uram to reflect on your time at the conference or talk about anything that is on your mind. Share your thoughts on Israel, on your work, on Jewish learning and ask any questions you may have for clergy but never asked. Come in small groups or individually. Drop in for five minutes or for 30. Meet Rabbi Mike in the Wellness Room and you will find a spot to talk.

Assignment TBD
7:00am - 12:00pm CDT

Registration & Help Desk Open Room: Grand Ballroom Foyer

There will be a designated space throughout the conference where attendees may visit for support with your Federation’s response efforts to the war in Israel. JFNA staff in the areas of advocacy, marketing, social media, fundraising, and more will be available in this space to answer questions, provide relevant resources, and assist you with your on-going plans.  There will also be outlets, chargers, and other tools for professionals who need to take care of critical work at this time. 

Note: Space will be closed during the plenary

Staffed by: Jessica Lazar Bates, Alisa Bodner, Max Harris, Mimi Kravitz, Ted Merwin, Ben Schindler, Meg Siritzky

Curious what we mean by functional sessions? These are affinity-specific times for you to be with colleagues focused on similar things whether it's Marketing, Total Financial Resource Development, Finance, Human Resources, Community Relations - and many more. We will come together with others from our various functions and begin diving into the key topics of focus for professionals everywhere. These sessions are open to all, even those from another function. Get excited to experience sessions being planned with field practitioners on relevant topics to our work including new approaches to donor engagement, working with changing technology, workplace culture, data informed practices, communicating during difficult times and much more. 

Nonprofits face significant cyber threats and the work we do is jeopardized on a daily basis by cyber crime. Despite this, many Federations do not have documented policies and procedures, or the right technology or cybersecurity expertise in place to mitigate this risk, which leads to mishandling of data and technology. No matter what your Federation size or expertise, join as Ira Levy, Associate Managing Director of Cyber Risk at Kroll, a world renown risk advisory firm, presents best practices in nonprofit cybersecurity as well as how to establish a right-sized program and culture to empower people, processes, and technology to protect your data.


What is the key to building a successful corporate sponsorship program? Join this panel to learn and discuss ideas and trends necessary to create or augment your current programming initiatives.


The culture of an organization is a critical organizational dimension that impacts motivation, engagement and productivity.   This workshop will help participants:  

(a) "unpack" their organization's culture;
(b) learn about "levers" that build a powerful culture;
(c) focus on strategies to socialize employees to their culture; and
(d) develop a deeper understanding of core organizational values.  

This will be a highly interactive session that focuses on the evolution of culture, including the way that difficult events, like the war in Israel, impact culture and the ways that culture influence people's actions during challenging times.   


Join us for an informative session on the latest updates in tax reporting and accounting rules. In today's rapidly changing regulatory landscape, staying up-to-date with tax laws, Accounting Standards Updates (ASUs), Uniform Guidance, and other key developments is crucial for non-profits agencies and professionals alike.  We’ll also review important topics affecting Federations including donor advised funds, unrelated business taxable income, endowments and UPMIFA, accounting for Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC) receipts, beneficial interests in perpetual trusts and the new lease standard. Led by RSM National Audit and Tax Partners, this session aims to equip you with essential knowledge that could impact your organization's financial reporting and tax obligations.


In this session, we will explore how hyperlocal, neighborhood-based strategies are reshaping the landscape of Jewish community engagement. Hyperlocal programming presents the opportunity to meet community members where they are and empower ownership in creating local, authentic experiences. During our time together, we’ll explore a range of approaches tailored to foster deep connections and empower meaningful engagement with Jewish life. We’ll delve into cutting-edge models and successful examples from various communities and learn about innovative strategies to reach and empower more people to participate in Jewish life.

Small Federation Governance Meeting (Exclusively for small Federation CEOs - by invitation only)

Room: Astoria

When a crisis hits, your community looks to your Federation for guidance and reassurance. This session delves into the important elements of communicating during a security crisis, mapping out the important stakeholders, best practices, and messaging guidelines for making sure you can both keep your community informed and demonstrate your Federation's commitment to communal safety and security.


Curious what we mean by functional sessions? These are affinity-specific times for you to be with colleagues focused on similar things whether it's Marketing, Total Financial Resource Development, Finance, Human Resources, Community Relations - and many more. We will come together with others from our various functions and begin diving into the key topics of focus for professionals everywhere. These sessions are open to all, even those from another function. Get excited to experience sessions being planned with field practitioners on relevant topics to our work including new approaches to donor engagement, working with changing technology, workplace culture, data informed practices, communicating during difficult times and much more. 

As Israel’s war with Hamas continues, our Federation system is raising and allocating unprecedented dollars to assist in humanitarian efforts.  With the understanding that this conflict will have deep and far-reaching impact on all aspects of Israeli society – from mental health to the economy – this session will outline Jewish Federations of North America’s evolving strategy for collective allocations in collaboration with local communities. We will be joined by a consulting partner who is engaged with Jewish Federations of North America around impact planning and strategy development.  This session is open to all senior level Federation professionals.


Through hands-on experiential learning enhanced with unique Jewish wisdom, this session will offer exposure to the principles and practices of the Jewish Teen Funder Collaborative’s holistic approach to relational engagement. Relational engagement is a strategy that prioritizes people over programs to cultivate inclusive communities of belonging. Founded on the premise that young people have the power to be trusted peer connectors and changemakers, these community organizing principles emphasize authenticity and have the power to be applied across a wide array of ages and demographics.


The culture of an organization is a critical organizational dimension that impacts motivation, engagement and productivity.   This workshop will help participants:  

(a) "unpack" their organization's culture;
(b) learn about "levers" that build a powerful culture;
(c) focus on strategies to socialize employees to their culture; and
(d) develop a deeper understanding of core organizational values.  

This will be a highly interactive session that focuses on the evolution of culture, including the way that difficult events, like the war in Israel, impact culture and the ways that culture influence people's actions during challenging times.   


Through a diverse panel of cybersecurity and fraud experts, you will learn about risk management and assessment of your processes and procedures, recent developments in new cybersecurity threats and means to protect against fraud and social engineering. This panel includes risk assessment consultants, a law enforcement representative and a leading cybersecurity expert from the banking industry The topics covered will include business email compromise, social engineering, check fraud, best practices to prevent fraud, internal controls, products and software that are available to combat fraud, common and current attacks/scams, and resources.


Learn from the experiences of Chicago’s long-standing Jewish Community Emergency Response Team (JCERT). This presentation will include information on structure, process, training, budget and more, and will provide a framework for establishing a JCERT in your community.

At its highest form, a fundraising ask is an invitation for someone to bring their greatest passions to action. Community relations as a core function of building flourishing Jewish communities relies entirely on individual participation in collective mobilization. It is also one of the most under resourced parts of the Federation system because we need more people to be involved. Join this conversation to explore how expanding community activism will lead to stronger Jewish communities and increased giving capacity.

Small Federation CEO elections and planning (Exclusively for small Federation CEOs) - by invitation only

Room: Astoria

According to the 2023 Nonprofit Tech for Good Report, 27% of nonprofits worldwide have fallen victim to cyberattacks. Today, it’s not a question of if you will experience a cybercrime, it is when - and preparedness is the key to recovery. Join us for an expert led workshop on the anatomy of a cybersecurity breach and a detailed look at leveraging best practice tools, technology, policies, and procedures for recovery. Hear about the latest forms of attacks through real world and Federation case studies and gain a deeper understanding of how to leverage best practices tools to accelerate recover and mitigate loss.

10:00am - 10:30am CDT

Networking Break Room: Grand Ballroom, Grand Ballroom Foyer, Normandie Lounge

This closing program will help participants reflect on what you have learned and how you might apply this learning in practical ways back at your Federations. We will open with a video that has been made throughout the conference that captures participants’ experiences. Jewish Federations of North America’s Liz Fisher and Shira Hutt will share plans to support professionals in your leadership development in the year ahead. The session will end with Rabbi Mike Uram leading a fun and meaningful ritual that helps attendees lock in the experience and memories of our time together.  


There are so many universal topics that we all care about, no matter our professional function. Whether you are interested in learning more about supervision training, effectively managing lay-pro relationships, connecting with Jewish learning, utilizing AI and technology for your work, or one of the number of other topics we will cover in the cross-function workshops, pick one that matters most to you! 

ChatGPT is taking the world by storm. We know it as an AI revolution set to change the way we do everything, but what is it really? What are its limitations? How can it be leveraged intelligently and securely in our Federations? Where is this all going? Learn how ChatGPT can be used to transform the way you work, while understanding the risks, security concerns, and best practices for turning the promise of generative AI into reality. During this session we will:  

  • Cut through the growing hype on AI-based content generating tools, such as ChatGPT  

  • Identify the risks of generative AI and how to begin the journey of managing them 

  • Explore the role of generative AI in your organization, services and relationships  

Hear from an expert in the field then breakout into track workshops for an interactive exercise, where you’ll experience the risks, drawbacks, and benefits of incorporating ChatGPT into your everyday work, first-hand. 


We live in a moment of unprecedented breakdown in civil discourse. Unable to listen to each other – let alone understand each other – we are stuck in our own echo chambers. Many fear speaking up so that we are not judged or "marginalized” for our thoughts or identity. We often cannot even agree on a shared set of facts or norms to govern our discourse. These problems cause significant pain and dysfunction for millions, and they show up at work, at schools, on the streets and in our families. The trauma of the global pandemic has only increased fear and distrust among many.  This session combines deep Jewish text learning and social psychology in ways that help participants feel a greater sense of hope for the future and gain a set of tools to use for themselves, their families, and the organizations in which they work in and lead. 


Room: Continental C

During this moment of crisis, many Jewish Federations have the opportunity to tell Israel's story and the story of their own Jewish community in the media. The media can be an incredible tool for you to deliver your message, but talking to the media can be scary, especially on politically charged subjects. Join Jewish Federations of North America Communications Director Niv Elis for a basic introduction on how to prepare for and navigate interviews with the press, tackle tough questions, and make sure your message gets through.


Join for an open and interactive conversation about investing in LGBTQ+ inclusion Jewish spaces. We will identify and prepare to counter some of the common biases and barriers that impact LGBTQ+ people in the workplace. Participants will come away with a deeper understanding of the needs of the LGBTQ+ Jewish community and gain knowledge of resources available to them and feel empowered to engage with those resources. This workshop is designed for organizational leadership, human resources staff, managers, and others responsible for hiring, managing, or building and maintaining workplace cultures at Federations.  


We ask questions all the time. There are many types of questions and many ways to ask questions. But what makes well-considered questions so valuable is that they get to the heart of a matter and they help us to understand more fully, think more deeply, and consider new ideas and opportunities. Questions, and the act of questioning, are a central part of Judaism and Jewish tradition as well as an important professional (and personal) practice. In this session, we examine a variety of typologies of questions, considering the benefits of asking certain questions in particular contexts and how to ask strategic questions to advance our work as learners and leaders, which are inextricably linked. 


Being a manager can be rewarding, challenging and stressful. It’s important that today’s leaders feel equipped with the skills to effectively align performance expectations, generate better outcomes, and foster employee engagement. Wouldn’t it be great to have easily understood and immediately applicable ideas to make managing easier? Best-in-class models, breakouts, surveys, and other hands-on activities will be used throughout the session to ensure leaders can immediately take the program information and use it back on the job. The program will support participants as they:

  • Hold effective 1:1s
  • Set effective goals
  • Hold a career development discussion
  • Create an environment of psychological safety to ensure a culture of effective management

 While we encourage participants to attend both sessions, one on Monday and the other on Tuesday, each session also works as a stand-alone and you may choose to attend just one of the sessions.  


In this interactive session we will look to Jewish Federation of North America’s lay leadership framework and practical tools to set the tone for generative and effective collaboration between lay and professional leadership. You will walk out with concrete tools to use with your current and future committee Chairs. This workshop is intended for those who are newer to working with lay leaders and/or those who are looking for new tools to use with their Boards and committees.


Deli historian Ted Merwin, PhD, will present a multimedia talk, Corned Beef and Camaraderie: The History of the Jewish Deli in Chicago. Ted is the author of the National Jewish Book Award-winning Pastrami on Rye: An Overstuffed History of the Jewish Deli, which traces the mouthwatering history of the Jewish delicatessen. This entertaining, interactive presentation features clips from movies, TV, music, and stand-up comedy routines about the vitally important place of the deli in Chicagoland from the early twentieth century to the present. Dr. Merwin will demonstrate how the deli has developed into an indispensable communal gathering space for generations of Chicago Jews.   


In this interactive workshop, we will explore the profound impact of music as a universal language that transcends boundaries, heals wounds, and unites communities, especially during times of suffering. We will sing songs that expand our sense of self, how we interact with others, and how we lead communities. Participants will experience the health benefits of song; develop an understanding of binary thinking; and learn why flexibility is essential for creativity and connection with others.  

11:30am - 1:00pm CDT

Session for Large City HR Pros – By Invitation Only Room: Boulevard B

Before returning to our local communities, we will discuss and practice building an effective action plan with goals and timelines using the White House Strategy to Address Antisemitism as an organizing framework. We will use this time to reflect on our achievements and takeaways from FedPro and prepare for the months ahead.


Breakout with data peers to discuss important topics, share experiences, and learn from colleagues. This session is a great way to do a deeper dive into subjects central to your work that may not have been covered during FedPro while making new, meaningful connections.

Register for this program here

Breakout with technology peers to discuss important topics, share experiences, and learn from colleagues. This session is a great way to do a deeper dive into subjects central to your work that may not have been covered during FedPro while making new, meaningful connections.

Register for this session here

Begins at 2:30pm on Tuesday and ends at ends at 4pm on Wednesday.

This 2-day network-building experience will explore the most cutting-edge and effective strategies, featuring real-world examples, case studies and research drawn from a decade of investment in new models of Jewish teen engagement.

Gather with fellow users to gain insights and share experiences around the BBCRM platform. Moderated by the JFNA BBCRM team, in partnership with our collective thought leaders, we'll dive into your most pressing questions, explore how Federations are using BBCRM in novel, innovative ways, troubleshoot common issues, and delve into how we can leverage our collective synergies to achieve greater success.

Register for this program here