Doug Rabbino
Practice Leader for Employee Health & Benefits , Marsh & McLennan Agency

Doug Rabbino is the Practice Leader for Employee Health & Benefits in Marsh McLennan Agency’s New York City operations.
With over 30 years of experience in employee health, welfare, and retirement benefits, Doug is recognized as a leader and innovator in benefit program design and administrative strategies. His extensive background and industry experience provide clients with particular expertise in the areas of alternate funding, financial management, and employee engagement.
In his present role, he leads MMA’s NY business team in working with major regional and national clients. His responsibilities include providing guidance in all aspects of benefits planning and oversight including program development, cost modeling, compliance, technology initiatives, communications, and vendor management.
Prior to assuming his current role as Practice Leader, Doug was an Account Executive in MMA’s Northeast Region. Before joining MMA, he was a Principal with Corporate Consulting Services, a New York-based employee benefits consulting and brokerage firm, specializing in welfare and retirement services.
Monday, November 06
11:30am - 1:00pm