Listen Up! Jewish Vocal Band

Listen Up! Jewish Vocal Band

Jewish Vocal Band

How do you define Jewish song? Listen Up! delivers warmth and sheer knock-your-socks-off vocal power through Ahavat Yisrael and Yiddishkeit. The Chicago Tribune raves, "What comes across in every moment of their performance is an adoration for singing — turning melodies and harmonies on their heads to come up with something unique and full of freshness and appeal." Rebecca Singer, Aron Wolgel, Yoni Eisenstein and Steve Singer pack a giant sound (and a big warm hug) with jubilant Jewish pride that gets audiences of all ages right in their kishkes. Get ready to sing along with the soundtrack of Jewish connection.

Closing Plenary: Taking the Learning Home & Leadership Development Ahead

Tuesday, November 07
10:30am - 11:15am