Nate Looney

Nate Looney

Director Community Safety and Belonging


Jewish Federations of North America

Nate Looney is Jewish Federations of North America’s Director of Community Safety and Belonging on the Jewish Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (“JEDI”) Team.

He is an American Jewish University alum, social entrepreneur, diversity strategist, US Army Veteran, and Urban Farmer. In 2005, Hurricane Katrina struck and Nate became a vital part of rescue efforts and earned the Army’s Meritorious Service Medal. In 2015, Nate graduated from American Jewish University with his B.A. in Business. The day after graduating, he filed the L.L.C. for Westside Urban Gardens, a hydroponic and aquaponic agricultural enterprise. After the murder of George Floyd, Nate shifted his attention from agriculture to diversity, equity, and inclusion in the Jewish community. Currently, Nate enlists his multidisciplinary experience to build community and effect change in the fields of safety and security, antisemitism, LGBTQ+ inclusion, and community building. Nate is a Jeremiah Fellow, and an alum of several Jewish leadership programs, including Bend the Arc Selah and A Wider Bridge. He is also a Wexner Field Fellow and serves as a board member at Urban Adamah, A Wider Bridge, and JQ International.

Who You Gonna Call: Crisis Preparedness and Communication in an Emergency

Tuesday, November 07
8:00am - 8:55am

Investing in LGBTQ+ Inclusion in the Workplace

Tuesday, November 07
11:30am - 1:00pm