Stacey Aviva Flint
Director of Education and Community Engagement
, Jewish Federations of North America

Stacey Aviva Flint is a public speaker, writer, educator, and Urban Planner.
Stacey Aviva serves as the Director of Education and Community Engagement for the Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) on the JEDI team (Jewish Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion). As a Jewish woman of color, combating racism and antisemitism are central to her work. Stacey Aviva’s mission is “shalom bein adam lechavero,” translated from Hebrew as “bringing peace between a man and his fellow.” To this end, she has dedicated her 20+ year career to community economic development and Jewish social justice and education.
Stacey Aviva has a BA in Political Science from the University of Cincinnati, a master of Urban Planning and Public Policy for UIC (CHICAGO), certificates from Spertus Institute for Jewish Learning and Leadership/Northwestern School of Professional Studies in Jewish Leadership and adult Jewish Learning (Spertus Institute) and is currently a candidate for a masters in Jewish Studies at Spertus Institute. Stacey spent over a decade specializing in urban economic development as senior director of real estate development overseeing the construction and financing of Affordable Housing, Mixed-Use Spaces, Brownfield Redevelopment, and New Market Tax Credit financing. Stacey’s Jewish professional career began as the Policy Director for Chicago's Jewish Council on Urban Affairs (JCUA), combating racism and antisemitism and advocating for housing reform, criminal justice, immigration reform, and Jewish/African American dialogue. She has designed engagement strategies for synagogues, Jewish educational and civic institutions. Her writings have been featured in The Forward and her blog at the Times of Israel. Stacey’s Eli Talk, Kahal Amim-Many Faces, One Community, has been viewed 2,000 times. Stacey Aviva serves on the board of the MOED network of Jewish Federations of North America (to promote belonging and leadership for Jews of Color), Jewish Family Service of Colorado, Jewish Life Committee member of the Rose Community Foundation, and Alliance4Israel, and is a current Executive Leadership fellow with the Mandel Institute. She nurtures two college students, and her 95-year-old grandmother.
Monday, November 06
11:30am - 1:00pm