Dara Kaufman
Executive Director
, Jewish Federation of the Berkshires

Dara Kaufman has served as the Executive Director of the Jewish Federation of the Berkshires since 2013, overseeing all aspects of this functional Federation.
A lay leader and member of the board since 2010, Dara also served on the Federations fundraising and marketing committees. Dara previously served as Director of Member Services for 1Berkshire, the Berkshires regional economic development organization, where she led the transition of member development and investment during the historic merger of the Berkshires Visitors Bureau, the Berkshires Chamber of Commerce, Berkshire Creative and the Berkshire Economic Development Corp. Before moving back to the Berkshires, Dara served for many years as the Director of Advertising and Sales for the Jerusalem Report and at the Jerusalem Post in Israel. In 2017 Dara was appointed by Governor Charlie Baker to the MA State Task Force on Hate Crimes where she continues to serve on their Education and Victim Support subcommittees.
Sunday, November 05
2:00pm - 3:30pm