Michael Lustig
Adjunct Professor of Finance , NYU | Stern School of Business

Michael Lustig retired after a 25-year career on Wall Street, primarily at the asset management firm BlackRock, where he was Managing Director overseeing Structured Mortgage & Derivative Products trading and acted as advisor/portfolio manager for the Federal Reserve's Global Financial Crisis-related managed assets. He now devotes much of his time and energies toward non-profit & impact-related enterprises.
Michael is a Board Member/Trustee of a variety of nonprofits, both in the US & Israel, and is Adjunct Professor of Finance at NYU | Stern School of Business and a Lecturer at two colleges in Israel, teaching fulltime elective courses for MBAs in Fixed Income, Capital Markets, and Impact Finance.
Michael serves on a number of corporate Boards & Advisory positions through his Impact and Technology-focused investments. He has curated several exhibits at The Society of Illustrators and is a Licensed NYC Sightseeing Guide. Michael is the author of JFN’s Greenbook, A Guide to Jewish Impact Investing: https://www.jfunders.org/green...
Michael lives in Manhattan with his wife Rachel, and their three wonderful children.
Sunday, November 05
4:00pm - 4:55pm