Sarah Abramson

Sarah Abramson

Executive Vice President, Strategy and Impact


Combined Jewish Philanthropy

Sarah Abramson, PhD is Executive Vice President, Strategy and Impact, oversees CJP’s strategies for impact in the Boston community.

She works closely with partner institutions and communities to ensure that our overall ecosystem is thriving, sustainable, adaptive, and interconnected. Her leadership in this department spreads across the organization with her advocacy for making inspiring Judaism accessible for all and bringing social justice issues to the forefront of our work and our communities. Sarah sits on CJP’s Executive Team and reports to Rabbi Marc Baker. Sarah previously served as the Executive Director of Yad Chessed and was the Senior Policy researcher for the Board of Deputies in London. Sarah graduated with highest honors from Wesleyan University and holds a master’s degree in Social Policy and a Ph.D. in Sociology, both from London School of Economics.